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Family Of Unconscious Ferry Victim Files Suit For $45 Million

The family of a man who has been hospitalized and unconscious since a Jan. 9 ferry crash in Manhattan have filed suit, seeking $45 million for the injuries he suffered, according to The Star-Ledger of Newark.

The lawsuit lodged by relatives of John Urbanowicz, 39, of Red Bank. N.J., is one of about a half dozen suits filed so far regarding the accident. More than 70 people were hurt when a commuter ferry, traveling to lower Manhattan from the Highlands at the Jersey shore, crashed into a concrete slip.

While Urbanowicz’s family is seeking $45 million from theĀ  Seastreak Wall Street’s operator, the company contends that under maritime law its liability is capped at $7.6 million, the value of the ferry, The Ledger reported.

Urbanowicz hit his head when the ferry crashed, and hasn’t regained consciousness since, his lawyer told AP. Urbanowicz, a Wall Street broker, is in intensive care at New York-Presbyterian with injuries that include a fractured jaw and fractured skull.

A woman who sustained a spinal fracture during the crash is asking for $10 million in damages, according to The Ledger.


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